Disney is bringing an all-new nighttime show to Disneyland starting in January that features Mickey and Minnie Mouse, including projections, lighting and lasers. This show will only feature fireworks “on select nights,” according to the press release, unlike the current schedule which has fireworks nightly, weather permitting.
The new show will launch Jan. 18 and include a new song, “It’s a Good Time.” It’s being billed as a family fun dance party throughout the park. The projections will be visible on Main Street, water screens on the Rivers of America and the façade of “It’s a Small World.”
As part of what’s being billed as “Get Your Ears On — A Mickey and Minnie Celebration,” January will also mark the return of “Mickey’s Soundsational Parade” on Jan. 25, including Chip ‘n’ Dale with a “birthday cake,” a drum corps and more.
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