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New Guinness World Record with stethoscopes set in Winter Park

McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook said last month that it was actually leading customers to buy more per visit. John Smith, Flickr

McDonald's all-day breakfast, in the two months since its launch, is bringing in new customers and luring back others who hadn't passed though the golden arches recently, a new study shows.

Two undred and seventy.

That's the number of people who stood in a single-file line Saturday morning in Winter Park to create a new Guinness World Record for the longest line of people using stethoscopes.

It wasn't easy reaching, and surpassing, the minimum requirement of 250 people to establish the record, done as an awareness campaign and fundraiser for the American Cancer Society.

"We wanted to be part of it the second we heard of it," said 56-year-old Nancy Gingras, regional administrator for Care America.

Saturday's event, held in Central Park before the town's Christmas parade, was sponsored by Care America and Center for Diagnostic Imaging two Winter Park outpatient medical care companies.

Company employees, including nurses and radiologists, started gathering before the sun came up to set the record. The record was to be set by 7:30 a.m., but there simply wasn't enough people.

As the clock ticked on, and more people began arriving for the parade, that's when everyone went into action.

Organizers fanned-out, rallying participants from a nearby pancake breakfast, stopping runners on their morning jogs and even corralling parade participants before the 9 a.m. kickoff.

After volunteers spent more than an hour frantically convincing strangers they should participate, Michael Empric could start his one job for the day.

Participants entered the staging area one by one. Empric, an official adjudicator with the Guinness World Record organization, counted them with his metal hand tally counter.

He warned them: once you enter, you can't leave. Otherwise the attempt would be scrubbed or otherwise penalized.

"For me, doing a record attempt is all about people coming together and trying to do something big," he said.

Empric never rushed the group and only told them the official rules they needed to abide by if they wanted to set the record.

Even when it looked like the record wouldn't be made, Empric patiently waited, holding his official Guinness paperwork and wearing his blue Guinness blazer.

He was last in Winter Park in September 2014 when Winter Park Memorial Hospital tried breaking the record for the number of people standing on one leg. That record-setting attempt was unsuccessful, said Empric.

"In terms of record attempts that I go to that aren't successful it's about a quarter to a third," he said. "So it happens more often than you would think."

Setting the record was just one part of the larger fundraising efforts going on, said Lori Cummins, regional vice president for the Center for Diagnostic Imaging.

"We want to challenge other healthcare givers across the country to beat our record and continue to raise money for the American Cancer Society," the 57-year-old said.

Of course, creating a new Guinness World Record was something unique.

"I think the coolest part is since we are establishing a brand new record, 25 years from now you can say to your grandkids 'Hey, I was part of that. I did something that was interesting,'" Cummins said.